Tintoria Emiliana & Tiziano Guardini
Sag 80 – Pistoletto Foundation Cittadellarte
Project realised with the support of Lenzing
Tiziano Guardini’s garment becomes the symbol and expression of a research (non-wovens made with LENZINGTM cellulosic fibres) and production chain led by Lenzing, Candiani and Filatura Astro with a dyeing development based on a colour chart of dyeing plants for a dedicated customisation by Tintoria Emiliana.
Tiziano Guardini, coordinated by TE’s technical product development department, chose the new Pilòs process, which gives the garment a dimension of fragmentation and melting of colour, through various clay transformation steps and manual techniques.
The button accessory further defined the garment through TE’s know-how with the use of Milky, the dyeable, 100% biobased, biodegradable button with a traceable supply chain. Milky (Bonetti Group product), developed by Bottonificio RIBL.
21 March 2024. As part of the International Day of Forests celebrations, at the Palais des Nations, headquarters of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), Lenzing and Candiani presented to the United Nations, together with the master Michelangelo Pistoletto, an innovative fabric to save glaciers.
The melting of glaciers is seriously affected by global warming. Geotextiles are used to protect ice and snow. However, nonwovens used for this purpose are made of fibres of fossil origin, which allow microplastics to enter the valley through waterways and can enter the food chain through small organisms and animals. Nonwovens made from LENZINGTM cellulosic fibres, which are biodegradable at the end of their life cycle and can be completely recycled, are the sustainable solution to this problem.
Tiziano Guardini
An ‘evolutionary’ way of doing Couture, which skilfully mixes tailoring, innovation, respect and experimentation.
After a degree in Economics, Guardini graduated as a Fashion Designer. After a Master’s degree in Product Management, he began working on his own collection, obtaining premium recognition, including the opportunity to participate as a special guest at White, a trade show of reference for international womenswear, and to exhibit some of his creations at London’s Royal Albert Hall, the V&A Museum and the United Nations as an example of a designer who manages to connect fashion with nature. His awards include the Bronze Hempel Fashion Award in Beijing, the Franca Sozzani GCC Best Emerging Designer and the Peta Couture Award.