Clerici Tessuto is, as usual, among the protagonists of Milano Unica, the textile fair now in its 39th edition. In the spotlight, for the Como-based company, both the women’s proposal, a “combination of heritage and research” and “also marked by quiet luxury” for the autumn/winter 2025-26 collections, and the men’s proposal, with the ‘TexHomme’ collection, Stefano Bernasconi, CEO, told Pambianconews.
At the heart of the ‘TexHomme’ selection, an innovation project in the field of technical jackets, which aims to provide the customer with a complete service, from the development of the idea to the finished garment. Once the design to be transferred onto the fabric has been created, given by the customer or created by the in-house designers, Clerici Tessuto offers the possibility of following the development of the cut for the finished garment and the creation of the garment itself, so that the customer can rely completely on the company for the creation of the finished garment.
The collaboration with Tintoria Emiliana also fits into this direction, which the men’s lines will be able to take advantage of: for the first time, thanks to the know-how of the company specializing in garment dyeing and manufacturing, it expands its offer to the customer by also offering the possibility of getting closer to the finished product, to show the performance of the fabrics through the techniques of Tintoria Emiliana. At the same time, the company has also renewed for another three years the license for the production and distribution of Larusmani fabrics, which helps to consolidate Clerici in the high-end textile sector for men’s fashion.
Meanwhile, Clerici Tessuto had closed 2023 with revenues of 62 million euros, in line with the previous year, and had cautiously based its forecasts on the first part of the year, aiming, in line with the sentiment of the sector, for its second half. Sentiment that has largely diminished, Bernasconi also confirms: “At the beginning of the year we were more confident, but the textile numbers speak of a scenario still marked by the contraction in demand”. Adding that Clerici Tessuto, on the threshold of half-yearly data, is currently “performing in line with the sector”. A possible contraction is therefore expected on the horizon for 2024, even if “we still have some hope that the next few months will turn out for the better, thanks to signs of a recovery in demand that is still sustained”.
In the meantime, investments continue on the technology and digitalization front, from the installation of new looms to the gradual shift to digital of product-related activities in integration with the customer base, only with “a slowdown on the artificial intelligence side, which is requiring a longer process than estimated”.